kalitelimidir hocam pekiDeep Cool Multı Core X6 140x15mm/100x15mm 4 Fan 2 Usb Port Notebook Stand ve Soğutucu Fiyatı, Yorumları - Trendyol
Deep Cool Multı Core X6 140x15mm/100x15mm 4 Fan 2 Usb Port Notebook Stand ve Soğutucu yorumlarını inceleyin, Trendyol'a özel indirimli fiyata satın alın.www.trendyol.comMesaj otomatik birleştirildi:
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MULTI CORE X6 - DeepCool
MULTI CORE X6 is a breakthrough in the appearance design among traditional notebook coolers. The designer created a beautiful black butterfly with the four fans in a matrix shape. This black beauty not only has superb high cooling performance but also can be an adorable decoration alone itself...www.deepcool.com