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12. Sınıf İngilizce sorularını çözme


2 Ocak 2024
Reaksiyon skoru
Yusuf Alp
Merhaba arkadaşlar 12. Sınıf 1. Dönem 2. İngilizce sorularını nasıl çözebilirim?

A-) Answer the questions according to the table. (5x4 = 20p)
Table: Music Preferences of High School Students
%5 Classical
%50 Pop
%10 Jazz
%25 Rock
%10 Folk
1. What kind of music is the most popular one?
2. Which two kinds of music are equally popular?
3. What kind of music is the least popular one?
4. What kind of music is the second most popular one?
5. Which kind of music does half of the students listen?
Kazanım: E12.3.R1. Students will be able to find the supporting ideas in a text about good practices on human rights around the world.

B-) Below is a text on good practices about human rights. In each paragraph, except for the introduction, there is one irrelevant sentence among the supporting ideas. Find the irrelevant sentence among them. (10p)

It is true that we do not live in a world full of pure-hearted and innocent people. Also, it is true that there is a lot of content about crimes and human rights abuses as well as other crimes in news bulletins or on social media. However, all is not bad. Human being, in essence, works for the good of humanity and the planet. There is a lot going well in terms of the good practices about human rights all around the world. In education, one of the focal points has been inclusive education to improve the processes inclusive students go through. Türkiye, for instance, has revised the regulations on assessment and evaluation for the sake of eliminating the disadvantages of inclusive students. It's challenging. Thanks to the new regulations, inclusive students will go through assessment and evaluation processes matching their characteristics. There are good practices for the disabled as well. In addition to the Paralympic Games, tournaments and similar sports events, such as wheelchair basketball leagues, goalball tournaments, and amputee football organizations are becoming more common in most countries. They are very enjoyable. Tactile sidewalks and text to speech applications make life easier for the blind. More and more televisions are using sign language translations for the deaf. Good examples related to gender equality are taking place. Women are now allowed to have a driver's license and be a part of the traffic as drivers in more countries. They must be very happy.
Irrelevant sentence:
Kazanım: E12.4.R1. Students will be able to read (aloud) a text about cyber crimes and rights to distinguish the lexis and jargon.
C-)Read the text and make the lists. (20p)
Cyber Crimes
Since the advent of the Internet and mobile technologies, changes have occurred much faster. The wait time in banking lines has been replaced by the wait time in banking applications on mobile devices. Chats in the living room have partly moved to chats on social media. Archives have been transferred from rooms to computers, Kids playing on the streets have partly moved to cyberspace to play cyber games. It would be irrational to imagine the cyberspace without criminals. Like billions of people together with events, they haven't missed the chance ever since the first day. Bullies became cyberbullies, thieves became hackers and phishers, ransomers became ransomware committers.
Awareness about common cyber crimes and your rights is vital. Common forms of cyber crime include phishing, identity theft, ransomware, cyberbullying, and invasion of privacy.
Phishing is using fake email messages to get personal information from internet users. The most common of it is providing unusual offers through "click and win" links. Once you click on the link provided, the phisher has your personal information, such as personal identification numbers (PIN), social security number, passwords, etc. You are in serious trouble. It is best not to click on links offering prizes, holidays, etc.
Acquiring a phishing filter works as well. Identity theft is misusing personal information. Scammers may get your personal information through
spam emails, fake websites, pop-up surveys, social media accounts, etc. Once the attacker has enough information about the victim she/he can
commit fraudulent activities under your name. These activities can cause very serious problems. Avoid opening suspicious websites, emails and links. Monitor your accounts and bank records often.
Ransomware is a type of malware (malicious software) which locks and encrypts the victim's data and important files for the attacker. Once the attacker has these, she/ he asks for a payment, ransom, to unlock and decrypt the data. Do not leave your devices vulnerable to cyber attacks. Use a strong antivirus software.

Another serious threat is cyberbullying, which is to bully a person via electronic communication. The victims usually receive messages threatening them. If you are experiencing cyberbullying, don't respond immediately, use a calm and neutral language, take screenshots for later use, and stop checking posts frequently Invasion of privacy is one of the most serious threats to internet users. This occurs through breaking into someone's computer, reading their emails, monitoring their online activities, stealing their valuable information, and using them without the owner's permission. The most effective tool to protect yourself from being a victim is encryption. Cybercrooks, ie, cybercriminals, will keep working. However, you are not desperate. Learn about cyber crimes and ways to cope with them. Use your rights to report them to public authorities, to ask software and application owners for stronger protection, to go to the court or to make official complaints.
3 cyber crimes:
3 cybercriminals:
3 ways to prevent cyber crimes:
3 rights:

Kazanım: E12.2.W1. Students will be able to write an opinion essay about qualities of a good friend by stating reasons.
D-) Write down a paragraph choosing three qualities of a good friend from the box. Give at least one reason for each quality. (30p)
Reliable Generous Patient-Loyal-Empathetic - Polite
Kazanım: E12.3.W1. Students will be able to write mottos/slogans about human rights.
E-) Write a motto/slogan about freedom of speech. (10p)
Kazanım: E12.4.W1. Students will be able to write detailed descriptions of an imaginary future.
F-) Write detailed descriptions of your imaginary future. (10p)
E. g. Artificial intelligence will gain importance


Kazanım E12.3.L1. Students will be able to guess the meaning of lexis and jargon about human rights in a recorded text/video.

A-) Listen and complete the dialog. (55p)
Mom: Jane, you don't look well. Is everything OK? It must be about your first day at work.
Jane: That's right, Mom. I don't feel good. It was a tough day.
Mom: honey! Tell me what happened.
Jane: First, the parking lot for the disabled was occupied, and the wheelchair ramp was too steep. That's not all. The tables at the cafeteria were spaced tightly. The mirror in the restroom was mounted a bit high. That's the summary of my perfect day.
Mom: Oh, Jane, calm down honey, and remember how strong you are! Now, let's go step by step. use the subway instead of driving to work?
Jane: That's great. Then, I won't have to deal with the parking lot issues. What about the wheelchair ramp?
Mom: talking to the officials about that. I'm sure, they will do their best.
Jane: I hope so, Mom.
Mom: And, about the cafeteria,. ask the management for a disabled-friendly design.
Jane: That'll be good, after all, we spend our breaks there.
Mom: And, here is the last thing, the mirror.. anything about it. You don't need mirrors. You are already very beautiful.
Jane: Come on, Mom. That's your view.
Mom: You can use your own small mirror.
Jane: Oh, Mom, you are the best one on Earth. How lucky I am to have you.
Mom: The good luck is mine, honey. I have you.
Kazanım: E12.4.L2. Students will be able to match the topics with recorded passages corresponding to virtual reality and imaginary world.

B-) Listen and order the instructions for the cyber game below. (45p)
Start the game in a jungle.
Collect 10 hidden objects and keep running until you reach the checkpoint.
Create an account, specify a nickname, and choose an avatar.
Search for the puzzles and clues.
Jump, crawl, or climb trees to overcome the barriers while running.
Reach the checkpoint before the opponent in a given amount of time.
Solve the puzzles and follow the clues to spot the hidden place of the hidden objects.
Set the difficulty of the game.
Run through the jungle.


80+ Gold
4 Mart 2021
En İyi Cevap
Reaksiyon skoru
Night City
Merhaba arkadaşlar 12. Sınıf 1. Dönem 2. İngilizce sorularını nasıl çözebilirim?

A-) Answer the questions according to the table. (5x4 = 20p)
Table: Music Preferences of High School Students
%5 Classical
%50 Pop
%10 Jazz
%25 Rock
%10 Folk
1. What kind of music is the most popular one?
2. Which two kinds of music are equally popular?
3. What kind of music is the least popular one?
4. What kind of music is the second most popular one?
5. Which kind of music does half of the students listen?
Kazanım: E12.3.R1. Students will be able to find the supporting ideas in a text about good practices on human rights around the world.

B-) Below is a text on good practices about human rights. In each paragraph, except for the introduction, there is one irrelevant sentence among the supporting ideas. Find the irrelevant sentence among them. (10p)

It is true that we do not live in a world full of pure-hearted and innocent people. Also, it is true that there is a lot of content about crimes and human rights abuses as well as other crimes in news bulletins or on social media. However, all is not bad. Human being, in essence, works for the good of humanity and the planet. There is a lot going well in terms of the good practices about human rights all around the world. In education, one of the focal points has been inclusive education to improve the processes inclusive students go through. Türkiye, for instance, has revised the regulations on assessment and evaluation for the sake of eliminating the disadvantages of inclusive students. It's challenging. Thanks to the new regulations, inclusive students will go through assessment and evaluation processes matching their characteristics. There are good practices for the disabled as well. In addition to the Paralympic Games, tournaments and similar sports events, such as wheelchair basketball leagues, goalball tournaments, and amputee football organizations are becoming more common in most countries. They are very enjoyable. Tactile sidewalks and text to speech applications make life easier for the blind. More and more televisions are using sign language translations for the deaf. Good examples related to gender equality are taking place. Women are now allowed to have a driver's license and be a part of the traffic as drivers in more countries. They must be very happy.
Irrelevant sentence:
Kazanım: E12.4.R1. Students will be able to read (aloud) a text about cyber crimes and rights to distinguish the lexis and jargon.
C-)Read the text and make the lists. (20p)
Cyber Crimes
Since the advent of the Internet and mobile technologies, changes have occurred much faster. The wait time in banking lines has been replaced by the wait time in banking applications on mobile devices. Chats in the living room have partly moved to chats on social media. Archives have been transferred from rooms to computers, Kids playing on the streets have partly moved to cyberspace to play cyber games. It would be irrational to imagine the cyberspace without criminals. Like billions of people together with events, they haven't missed the chance ever since the first day. Bullies became cyberbullies, thieves became hackers and phishers, ransomers became ransomware committers.
Awareness about common cyber crimes and your rights is vital. Common forms of cyber crime include phishing, identity theft, ransomware, cyberbullying, and invasion of privacy.
Phishing is using fake email messages to get personal information from internet users. The most common of it is providing unusual offers through "click and win" links. Once you click on the link provided, the phisher has your personal information, such as personal identification numbers (PIN), social security number, passwords, etc. You are in serious trouble. It is best not to click on links offering prizes, holidays, etc.
Acquiring a phishing filter works as well. Identity theft is misusing personal information. Scammers may get your personal information through
spam emails, fake websites, pop-up surveys, social media accounts, etc. Once the attacker has enough information about the victim she/he can
commit fraudulent activities under your name. These activities can cause very serious problems. Avoid opening suspicious websites, emails and links. Monitor your accounts and bank records often.
Ransomware is a type of malware (malicious software) which locks and encrypts the victim's data and important files for the attacker. Once the attacker has these, she/ he asks for a payment, ransom, to unlock and decrypt the data. Do not leave your devices vulnerable to cyber attacks. Use a strong antivirus software.

Another serious threat is cyberbullying, which is to bully a person via electronic communication. The victims usually receive messages threatening them. If you are experiencing cyberbullying, don't respond immediately, use a calm and neutral language, take screenshots for later use, and stop checking posts frequently Invasion of privacy is one of the most serious threats to internet users. This occurs through breaking into someone's computer, reading their emails, monitoring their online activities, stealing their valuable information, and using them without the owner's permission. The most effective tool to protect yourself from being a victim is encryption. Cybercrooks, ie, cybercriminals, will keep working. However, you are not desperate. Learn about cyber crimes and ways to cope with them. Use your rights to report them to public authorities, to ask software and application owners for stronger protection, to go to the court or to make official complaints.
3 cyber crimes:
3 cybercriminals:
3 ways to prevent cyber crimes:
3 rights:

Kazanım: E12.2.W1. Students will be able to write an opinion essay about qualities of a good friend by stating reasons.
D-) Write down a paragraph choosing three qualities of a good friend from the box. Give at least one reason for each quality. (30p)
Reliable Generous Patient-Loyal-Empathetic - Polite
Kazanım: E12.3.W1. Students will be able to write mottos/slogans about human rights.
E-) Write a motto/slogan about freedom of speech. (10p)
Kazanım: E12.4.W1. Students will be able to write detailed descriptions of an imaginary future.
F-) Write detailed descriptions of your imaginary future. (10p)
E. g. Artificial intelligence will gain importance


Kazanım E12.3.L1. Students will be able to guess the meaning of lexis and jargon about human rights in a recorded text/video.

A-) Listen and complete the dialog. (55p)
Mom: Jane, you don't look well. Is everything OK? It must be about your first day at work.
Jane: That's right, Mom. I don't feel good. It was a tough day.
Mom: honey! Tell me what happened.
Jane: First, the parking lot for the disabled was occupied, and the wheelchair ramp was too steep. That's not all. The tables at the cafeteria were spaced tightly. The mirror in the restroom was mounted a bit high. That's the summary of my perfect day.
Mom: Oh, Jane, calm down honey, and remember how strong you are! Now, let's go step by step. use the subway instead of driving to work?
Jane: That's great. Then, I won't have to deal with the parking lot issues. What about the wheelchair ramp?
Mom: talking to the officials about that. I'm sure, they will do their best.
Jane: I hope so, Mom.
Mom: And, about the cafeteria,. ask the management for a disabled-friendly design.
Jane: That'll be good, after all, we spend our breaks there.
Mom: And, here is the last thing, the mirror.. anything about it. You don't need mirrors. You are already very beautiful.
Jane: Come on, Mom. That's your view.
Mom: You can use your own small mirror.
Jane: Oh, Mom, you are the best one on Earth. How lucky I am to have you.
Mom: The good luck is mine, honey. I have you.
Kazanım: E12.4.L2. Students will be able to match the topics with recorded passages corresponding to virtual reality and imaginary world.

B-) Listen and order the instructions for the cyber game below. (45p)
Start the game in a jungle.
Collect 10 hidden objects and keep running until you reach the checkpoint.
Create an account, specify a nickname, and choose an avatar.
Search for the puzzles and clues.
Jump, crawl, or climb trees to overcome the barriers while running.
Reach the checkpoint before the opponent in a given amount of time.
Solve the puzzles and follow the clues to spot the hidden place of the hidden objects.
Set the difficulty of the game.
Run through the jungle.
Alıntıyı görüntüleAlıntıyı görüntüleAlıntıyı görüntüle
Kanka bunlar yeminle koklanarak yapılacak sınav ancak sana tavsiyem Cümle içinden en popüler tarzı sormuş mesela altını çiz hemen yazmaya kalkma alta iyice bi sindir paragrafı ondan sonra yazmaya başla + kolaya kaçıp yazmak istersen bu konuda Chatgpt iyi iş çıkarıyor bende kullandım birkaç defa :D bu jane ve mom ile ilgili olanlarda dinleme zaten dinlemeler düzgün bi hoparlörle yapıldımı her halükarda anlaşılıyor biraz kulak aşinalığınız varsa kendimde 12. sınıfım okuduğum bölüm dolayısıyla bunların dahada zorlarını görüyoruz ama şuan verebileceğim en iyi tavsiye bu olur (şimdi linç etmeye gelenler olur o zaman senin matematik sınavınıda adam koklayarak yapar diye falan baştan belirtiyim ben zaten o matematiği ve fiziği yapabilsem sayısal okurdum yani o durumu bende biliyorum ve kabul ediyorum biyolojim ve kimyam iyidi sözel sınıf açılmadı ondan dolayı sözele gitme şansım olmadı aslında sözelciyim)
Son düzenleme:


80+ Bronze
1 Ocak 2023
Reaksiyon skoru
Merhaba arkadaşlar 12. Sınıf 1. Dönem 2. İngilizce sorularını nasıl çözebilirim?

A-) Answer the questions according to the table. (5x4 = 20p)
Table: Music Preferences of High School Students
%5 Classical
%50 Pop
%10 Jazz
%25 Rock
%10 Folk
1. What kind of music is the most popular one?
2. Which two kinds of music are equally popular?
3. What kind of music is the least popular one?
4. What kind of music is the second most popular one?
5. Which kind of music does half of the students listen?
Kazanım: E12.3.R1. Students will be able to find the supporting ideas in a text about good practices on human rights around the world.

B-) Below is a text on good practices about human rights. In each paragraph, except for the introduction, there is one irrelevant sentence among the supporting ideas. Find the irrelevant sentence among them. (10p)

It is true that we do not live in a world full of pure-hearted and innocent people. Also, it is true that there is a lot of content about crimes and human rights abuses as well as other crimes in news bulletins or on social media. However, all is not bad. Human being, in essence, works for the good of humanity and the planet. There is a lot going well in terms of the good practices about human rights all around the world. In education, one of the focal points has been inclusive education to improve the processes inclusive students go through. Türkiye, for instance, has revised the regulations on assessment and evaluation for the sake of eliminating the disadvantages of inclusive students. It's challenging. Thanks to the new regulations, inclusive students will go through assessment and evaluation processes matching their characteristics. There are good practices for the disabled as well. In addition to the Paralympic Games, tournaments and similar sports events, such as wheelchair basketball leagues, goalball tournaments, and amputee football organizations are becoming more common in most countries. They are very enjoyable. Tactile sidewalks and text to speech applications make life easier for the blind. More and more televisions are using sign language translations for the deaf. Good examples related to gender equality are taking place. Women are now allowed to have a driver's license and be a part of the traffic as drivers in more countries. They must be very happy.
Irrelevant sentence:
Kazanım: E12.4.R1. Students will be able to read (aloud) a text about cyber crimes and rights to distinguish the lexis and jargon.
C-)Read the text and make the lists. (20p)
Cyber Crimes
Since the advent of the Internet and mobile technologies, changes have occurred much faster. The wait time in banking lines has been replaced by the wait time in banking applications on mobile devices. Chats in the living room have partly moved to chats on social media. Archives have been transferred from rooms to computers, Kids playing on the streets have partly moved to cyberspace to play cyber games. It would be irrational to imagine the cyberspace without criminals. Like billions of people together with events, they haven't missed the chance ever since the first day. Bullies became cyberbullies, thieves became hackers and phishers, ransomers became ransomware committers.
Awareness about common cyber crimes and your rights is vital. Common forms of cyber crime include phishing, identity theft, ransomware, cyberbullying, and invasion of privacy.
Phishing is using fake email messages to get personal information from internet users. The most common of it is providing unusual offers through "click and win" links. Once you click on the link provided, the phisher has your personal information, such as personal identification numbers (PIN), social security number, passwords, etc. You are in serious trouble. It is best not to click on links offering prizes, holidays, etc.
Acquiring a phishing filter works as well. Identity theft is misusing personal information. Scammers may get your personal information through
spam emails, fake websites, pop-up surveys, social media accounts, etc. Once the attacker has enough information about the victim she/he can
commit fraudulent activities under your name. These activities can cause very serious problems. Avoid opening suspicious websites, emails and links. Monitor your accounts and bank records often.
Ransomware is a type of malware (malicious software) which locks and encrypts the victim's data and important files for the attacker. Once the attacker has these, she/ he asks for a payment, ransom, to unlock and decrypt the data. Do not leave your devices vulnerable to cyber attacks. Use a strong antivirus software.

Another serious threat is cyberbullying, which is to bully a person via electronic communication. The victims usually receive messages threatening them. If you are experiencing cyberbullying, don't respond immediately, use a calm and neutral language, take screenshots for later use, and stop checking posts frequently Invasion of privacy is one of the most serious threats to internet users. This occurs through breaking into someone's computer, reading their emails, monitoring their online activities, stealing their valuable information, and using them without the owner's permission. The most effective tool to protect yourself from being a victim is encryption. Cybercrooks, ie, cybercriminals, will keep working. However, you are not desperate. Learn about cyber crimes and ways to cope with them. Use your rights to report them to public authorities, to ask software and application owners for stronger protection, to go to the court or to make official complaints.
3 cyber crimes:
3 cybercriminals:
3 ways to prevent cyber crimes:
3 rights:

Kazanım: E12.2.W1. Students will be able to write an opinion essay about qualities of a good friend by stating reasons.
D-) Write down a paragraph choosing three qualities of a good friend from the box. Give at least one reason for each quality. (30p)
Reliable Generous Patient-Loyal-Empathetic - Polite
Kazanım: E12.3.W1. Students will be able to write mottos/slogans about human rights.
E-) Write a motto/slogan about freedom of speech. (10p)
Kazanım: E12.4.W1. Students will be able to write detailed descriptions of an imaginary future.
F-) Write detailed descriptions of your imaginary future. (10p)
E. g. Artificial intelligence will gain importance


Kazanım E12.3.L1. Students will be able to guess the meaning of lexis and jargon about human rights in a recorded text/video.

A-) Listen and complete the dialog. (55p)
Mom: Jane, you don't look well. Is everything OK? It must be about your first day at work.
Jane: That's right, Mom. I don't feel good. It was a tough day.
Mom: honey! Tell me what happened.
Jane: First, the parking lot for the disabled was occupied, and the wheelchair ramp was too steep. That's not all. The tables at the cafeteria were spaced tightly. The mirror in the restroom was mounted a bit high. That's the summary of my perfect day.
Mom: Oh, Jane, calm down honey, and remember how strong you are! Now, let's go step by step. use the subway instead of driving to work?
Jane: That's great. Then, I won't have to deal with the parking lot issues. What about the wheelchair ramp?
Mom: talking to the officials about that. I'm sure, they will do their best.
Jane: I hope so, Mom.
Mom: And, about the cafeteria,. ask the management for a disabled-friendly design.
Jane: That'll be good, after all, we spend our breaks there.
Mom: And, here is the last thing, the mirror.. anything about it. You don't need mirrors. You are already very beautiful.
Jane: Come on, Mom. That's your view.
Mom: You can use your own small mirror.
Jane: Oh, Mom, you are the best one on Earth. How lucky I am to have you.
Mom: The good luck is mine, honey. I have you.
Kazanım: E12.4.L2. Students will be able to match the topics with recorded passages corresponding to virtual reality and imaginary world.

B-) Listen and order the instructions for the cyber game below. (45p)
Start the game in a jungle.
Collect 10 hidden objects and keep running until you reach the checkpoint.
Create an account, specify a nickname, and choose an avatar.
Search for the puzzles and clues.
Jump, crawl, or climb trees to overcome the barriers while running.
Reach the checkpoint before the opponent in a given amount of time.
Solve the puzzles and follow the clues to spot the hidden place of the hidden objects.
Set the difficulty of the game.
Run through the jungle.
Alıntıyı görüntüleAlıntıyı görüntüleAlıntıyı görüntüle
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