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amerikada sadece toefl veya ielts sınavından birisine girip üniversite okumak mümkün mü?


80+ Silver
24 Mart 2020
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sat veya act sınavına girmeyip sadece dil sınavı ielts veya toefl sınavına girsek prestijli üniversitede okuma imkanı var mıdır?
(5) Is it possible to get admission in American university with only on basis of IELTS score? - Quora
Rohit Maiya
, Know all about SAT, SAT Subject test, ACT and AP
Answered May 20, 2017

You can get into university for sure but not good ones, unless of course you are a genius and if you can showcase that.
There are few good ones who do not bother about SAT or ACT but ask you to write essays and the essays and your grades form the criteria for admissions.
Cizdiğim kısımlar cevaptır.
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