Jony Case
80+ Gold
- Katılım
- 23 Mart 2020
- Mesajlar
- 5,362
- Reaksiyon skoru
- 4,342
- Konum
- Liberal Avında
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Arkadaşlar bu cümleleri used to şeklinde nasıl kurabiliriz ?
work / James and Harry / in London
not spend / Mike / his time / watching TV
they / not go / surfing at the end of the day
share a bedroom / he / with his brother(soru cümlesi)
Your grandfather / his glasses / lose(soru cümlesi)
work / James and Harry / in London
not spend / Mike / his time / watching TV
they / not go / surfing at the end of the day
share a bedroom / he / with his brother(soru cümlesi)
Your grandfather / his glasses / lose(soru cümlesi)